Monday, January 30, 2023

 Here's a scrappy quilt pattern for you.  I call it Stacked Logs.


Here's a couple close-ups.

You can find the pattern on my Etsy Shop.  Stacked Logs

Monday, January 23, 2023

I have a new denim quilt pattern called Slats!  You can use a jellyroll of your favorite fabrics with this pattern.  I used mostly Maywood's Woolies Flannels, with a few Moda Wool and Needle Flannels.  I love the bright colors!

The Slats Denim Quilt pattern is available on my Etsy shop.  Here's a link.

The pattern gives six sizes, from a small rug to a queen size quilt.  Here are some more pictures.

Front of Planks Denim Quilt

Back of Planks Denim Quilt

Close-up of Planks Denim Quilt  

Check out the pattern on my Etsy Shop at this LINK.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Hyde Park History

Fields and Houses Together
 The pipe in the foreground, is "sprinkler pipe."  It has wheels to make it easier to move.  Young men can get a job moving sprinkler pipe in the summer.
Our Little Cemetery
An Old Chicken Coup
Old Hay Barn and Out Buildings

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (where I go to church)

Hyde Park Memorial at City Building
Hyde Park Memorial -- Early Settlers

Hyde Park Memorial -- Mormon Pioneers

Hyde Park Memorial -- Native Americans

Hyde Park Memorial -- Trappers and Frontiersmen

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hyde Park Animals

Goats with an old barn and garage

Close-up of the goats
Dr. Evan's cows -- this is the "calving pen."

There's an ever-changing mixture of calves and goats in this enclosure.  They've got a new fence, which is good, because there's been a couple times when some bigger calves have gotten out and onto the road.
Chickens in someone's back yard.

2 more horses

Beautiful chocolate alpaca and small herd of sheep
The Falins usually have llamas and horses in the "llama pen," but they're not there right now.
This thicket of trees was the resting spot of a huge buck and his harem.  Unfortunately, someone killed the Hyde Park buck.  The man got caught and had to pay for his crime.

I pass this thicket of trees on my way to work in the morning.  During the winter, there are usually deer here, taking shelter among the trees.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hyde Park, Utah

This is where I live.  Hyde Park is a suburb of Logan, in Northern Utah.  We've lived here for 19 1/2 years, and it is the best place I have ever lived!  Here are some pictures, all taken within 1 mile of my home.

I'll start with my yard.

The daffodils are blooming in my front yard.  I know that there will be more snow, because my daffodils always get snowed on.

This is a blue spruce, which is Utah's state tree.  When we moved to Hyde Park, we were able to put Christmas lights and a star on top of this tree.  It has doubled in size!

Deer Berries in the orchard.  I love to see the deer in Hyde Park!  But don't like cleaning up after them.
My tulips are just poking out through last year's debris.  I need to get it cleaned out.  When the tulips bloom, I have to keep them sprayed with deer repellent or the deer will eat them.  When the tulips are done, the lamb's ear grows over them, and attracts butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.

This is our little orchard.  There are 2 apple trees, 2 pie cherry trees, 1 peach tree and 1 pear tree.  The peach tree produces bad fruit.  We're going to cut it down and put a big, juicy plum tree in it's place.
This is our backyard.  The iris in the lower, right corner are popping up and need to be cleaned  out.  There are 2 small fruit trees, further back by the white fence.  An awesome peach and a not so awesome plum.
Here's a closer look at our little peach and plumb trees.  My Dad and step-Mother gave these to us about 4 years ago.  They were volunteers in their huge garden area.  Last year was the first time either produced fruit.  The peach is incredible.  I think the plum is a wild Pottawatamie plum.

This is our little vegetable garden.  We'll plant peas, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, Lima beans, cantaloupe, radishes, Swiss chard, kohlrabi, carrots and maybe some corn.  We can't plant until the ground is dry enough to run the rototiller.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Beautiful Spring Day

Spring is my favorite time of year.  The air is just full of fragrances from all of the fruit trees that are blooming.  Here's a few pictures.

This is my little orchard.  We have 2 pie cherry trees, 2 apple trees, a peach tree and a pear tree.  We also have a plum and nectarine in the back yard.


Pie Cherry   

Pie Cherry
We make juice with the pie cherries, then make some of it into the best tasting jelly.  My boys won't eat anything else.

The apples get juiced, too.  We drink some fresh, then we bottle the rest.

First Time Quilting Negative Space

Keep in mind that this is my first time quilting negative space.  I've used up 3 bobbins for this top section.  Here's what I've got so far....

Gotta have some dandelions!
Just a fun flower.

 I used a stencil to get the main shape.  Then added some free-motion to fill it up.