Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chickens. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Hyde Park Animals

Goats with an old barn and garage

Close-up of the goats
Dr. Evan's cows -- this is the "calving pen."

There's an ever-changing mixture of calves and goats in this enclosure.  They've got a new fence, which is good, because there's been a couple times when some bigger calves have gotten out and onto the road.
Chickens in someone's back yard.

2 more horses

Beautiful chocolate alpaca and small herd of sheep
The Falins usually have llamas and horses in the "llama pen," but they're not there right now.
This thicket of trees was the resting spot of a huge buck and his harem.  Unfortunately, someone killed the Hyde Park buck.  The man got caught and had to pay for his crime.

I pass this thicket of trees on my way to work in the morning.  During the winter, there are usually deer here, taking shelter among the trees.